Student Solution


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1 Course

1 Subject

The Building Blocks of Teams

The Building Blocks of Teams

Q Part 1 of 3: Compare and contrast three different models of team development. Use Tuckman's team model as one of the models (this leaves you to find two other models in the literature). Within the post, compare and contrast at least three (3) different components between the three. For the first section of your comparison, describe the differences between 'normal' team development and that of a virtual team (you will need an additional two comparative components to fulfill the discussion requirements). Please conduct research to support your findings, citing your resource in APA format. Part 2 of 3: Values in any team are important. What team values would be important within a diverse team environment? Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource (in addition to the required reading) in APA format.

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Tuckman’s team model involves several stages, such as, forming, storming, norming and performing. In the small groups, Tuckman’s team model is very much useful. In the forming stage, the team members are always polite and positive. This stage helps the team members to work together (Seck & Helton 2014). In the storming stage, all of the team members help each other to push the obstacles for the success of the team. Norming is the next stage where the differences of the team members can be resolved. In this stage, the team goals have been developed for seeking the ultimate progress. Performing is the last stage where the team members start to perform according to the goals.